Name Category Sub Category Description
Healweed Consumable Can be used in alchemy. Has a light, fresh scent.
HP Potion Consumable Restores HP a little.
Hi-HP Potion Consumable Restores a generous amount of HP.
Vitalweed Consumable Alchemy material. Has a refreshing scent.
SP Potion Consumable Restores HP a little.
Hi-SP Potion Consumable Restores a generous amount of HP.
Poison Antidote Consumable An antidote for poison.
Stun Antidote Consumable A cure for being stunned.
Sleep Antidote Consumable Wakes you up.
Panacea Consumable Cures all abnormal statuses.
Life Cure Consumable Can revive you if you're defeated.
Mini Bomb Consumable A bomb that inflicts a bit of damage on enemies.
Sleep Bomb Consumable A bomb that puts enemies to sleep.
Castele Crucian Consumable A small river fish. Eating it wouldn't hurt.
Plains Sweetfish Consumable Delicious and easy to catch river fish.
Elderwood Trout Consumable A river fish without that fishy smell. Makes a satisfying meal.
Castele Carp Consumable A big river fish. It's rather smelly
Applefish Consumable Fish resembling an apple. A conversation piece at any dinner.
Mutton Consumable Some people complain it's smelly, but others like it exactly for that reason.
Bird Meat Consumable Bird meat with the skin on.
Beef Consumable Well-marbled beef.
Eggs Consumable Regular eggs.
Big Egg Consumable That's one huge egg. Breakfast for the whole family.
Cows' Milk Consumable Whole, unpasteurised cows' milk.
Extra Creamy Milk Consumable Extra creamy, delicious cows' milk.
Carrot Consumable A fully grown orange carrot.
Daikon Radish Consumable White and juicy daikon radish
Potato Consumable A bulbous potato
Onion Consumable A cruel vegetable that makes people cry.
Castele Apple Consumable Castele's finest produce
Grassy Plains Barley Consumable Freshly harvested Grassy Plains barley
Port Rice Consumable Short-grain white rice
Maajik Beans Consumable A pod full of juicy-looking beans
Barley Juice Consumable A bitter drink, made from barley. Restores SP, raises Luck.
Roast Mutton Consumable A carefully roasted mutton chop. Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus.
Juicy Mutton Consumable Juicy grilled mutton. Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus
Tasty Kebab Consumable Bird meat in a special spice blend. Restores HP, raises Strength and Dexterity.
Bandit Steak Consumable Uniquely prepared steak. Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality
Boiled Egg Consumable A fresh boiled egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality.
Carrot Soup Consumable Carrot soup. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Focus.
Boiled Veg Consumable A simple dish of boiled vegetables. Restores HP, raises Dexterity.
Fluffy Omelette Consumable A fluffy omelette made with fresh eggs. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Dexterity.
Giant Fried Egg Consumable A huge egg served sunny side up. Restores HP, raises Vitality.
Well-Done Burger Consumable A burger made from minced mutton. Restores HP, raises Strength.
Juicy Burger Consumable A juicy burger made from minced beef. Restores HP, raises Strength.
Steak Consumable A thick cut of grilled meat. Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality.
Dreamy Steak Consumable A dreamily delicious steak. Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality.
Winter Stew Consumable A creamy stew of meat, veg and milk. Restores HP, raises Strength and Dexterity.
Grilled Crucian Consumable A grilled Crucian. Good with a little salt. Restores HP, raises Focus.
Rustic Trout Consumable Trout dusted in flour and fried. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality.
Salt Consumable A basic cooking ingredient.
Sugar Consumable Unrefined cane sugar
Butter Consumable Creamy, unsalted butter made from fresh cows' milk
Tomato Soup Consumable Tomato Soup. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Focus.
Fish Soup Consumable Soup made from fresh fish. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity.
Southern Stew Consumable Fresh ingredients in a demi-glace sauce. Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus
Prawn Gratin Consumable Gratin with juicy prawns. Restores HP, raises Focus and Intelligence.
Port Town Gratin Consumable A Port Puerto speciality gratin. Restores HP, raises Focus and Intelligence.
Tuna Sashimi Consumable Ruby red tuna sashimi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence.
Bream Sashimi Consumable Thinily sliced Bram Sashimi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence.
Flying Fish Sushi Consumable Fresh flying fish sushi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence and Dexterity.
Sardine Pâté Consumable A pâté of minced sardines for a tasty snack. Restores HP, raises Intelligence and Dexterity.
Rice-Stuffed Squid Consumable A whole squid cooked with rice inside. Restores HP, raises Focus and Luck.
Pufferfish Sashimi Consumable Thinly sliced Pufferfish sashimi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence and Luck.
Seafood Stew Consumable A Puerto Bream stew. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity.
Sashimi Set Consumable A fancy arrangement of the freshest sashimi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence and Vitality
Eggy Fried Rice Consumable A rice dish topped with Bird Meat and egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Strength.
Vinegar Consumable A cooking ingredient. Very sour, with a pungent smell.
Ginger Consumable Warming, flavoursome spice.
Mustard Consumable Hot, grainy mustard.
Healing Powder Consumable Restores some HP of the whole party
Energy Powder Consumable Restores some SP of the whole party.
Medium Bomb Consumable A bomb that inflicts a pretty good amount of damage on enemies.
Sweet Fish Pastry Consumable Sweet fish-shaped pastry filled with red bean paste.
Charge Up Aid Consumable Temporarily makes your Special Skill charge faster.
Cureweed Consumable A material for alchemy. It's a little bitter to the taste.
Lifeweed Consumable An alchemy material. Has a distinctive scent.
Spring Water Consumable Fresh spring water from the Castele suburbs. A gift to the Castelians.
Forest Mushroom Consumable A mushroom that grows on trees and fallen leaves. A staple kitchen ingredient.
Grassland Honey Consumable Made from the pollen of various flowers growing on the plains. Quite cheap.
Apple Juice Consumable A sweet juice made from apples. Restores SP, raises Strength and Vitality.
Mushroom Quiche Consumable A quiche made with eggs and mushrooms. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Focus.
Honey Pudding Consumable A soft and fluffy pudding. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Intelligence.
Sweet Potato Dessert Consumable A dessert made from sweet potatoes. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck.
Royal Eggs Consumable Incredibly heavy eggs. Are they made of gold?
Rainbow Apple Consumable It looks hand-painted, but it's naturally colourful like that.
Alcheweed Consumable A natural material for alchemy. Has an unpleasant smell.
Arch Alcheweed Consumable Alchemy material. Has a strongly unpleasant smell.
Saltless Seawater Consumable Water from Tortuga Archipelago. It's sea water, but it's not salty. Huh.
Plateau Honey Consumable Flavoursome honey made from the pollen of highland flowers.
Pirate Gumbo Consumable A hearty stew, key to a pirate's diet. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Vitality.
Grilled Tuna Head Consumable A well-grilled whole tuna head. Restores HP, raises Focus.
Swordfish Head Consumable A whole grilled swordfish head. Restores HP, raises Focus.
Summer Nectar Consumable A juice made from blended tropical fruits. Restores SP, raises Focus and Dexterity.
Glittering Coral Consumable Beautiful coral glinting with the light of the sun.
Mountain Spring Water Consumable Fresh spring water from Mt Snowpeak. Quality assured.
Mountain Mushroom Consumable A mushroom that grows deep in the mountains. Known for its deliciousness.
Cave Mushroom Consumable A mushroom that grows in dark places like caves. A yummy find.
Truffle Consumable A rare mushroom known for its distinctive taste. Can be used in cooking.
Duffle Consumable A rare mushroom known for its distinctive taste., this is a fake!
Legendweed Consumable An alchemy material. Has a sweet scent.
Soulweed Consumable A material for use in alchemy. Has a fresh, vibrant scent.
Dino Meat Consumable Dino meat. It's a mouthful.
Plains Eel Consumable Snake-like, slippery fish. Grilling brings out its flavour.
Rainbow Trout Consumable A river fish prized for its delicate taste.
Black Bass Consumable An easy catch, popular with Anglers. Few peopel know that it's edible.
Catfish Consumable Easily recognisable by its cat-like whiskers. Has a muddy taste.
Forest Lordfish Consumable The biggest fish in the forest. It must be tens of years old.
Cave Catfish Consumable Its eyesight is poor, as it lives in darkness. Slightly smells of mud.
Sardine Consumable Said to be the weakest sea fish. Full of bones, but they're edible, too.
Tuna Consumable Large migratory sea fish. The fatter it gets, the tastier it becomes.
Squid Consumable Ten-legged, ink-spitting cephalopod. Sleek and chewy.
Prawn Consumable These many-legged, whiskered crustaceans turn pink when boiled.
Pufferfish Consumable Poisonous, but edible and delicious when prepared by skilful Cooks.
Bluescale Lordfish Consumable Large fish nesting deep underground. Very smelly but oh, so good.
Redgill Consumable Magma-dwelling, red-scaled fish. No need to spice it up, it's naturally hot.
Magmafish Consumable It's actually a male Redgill. Very hot, handle it with care.
Lava Prawn Consumable Magma-dwelling prawn. Not much is known about it, but it sure tastes great.
Deep Sea Lordfish Consumable This unappealing fish uses a luminescent lure to attract prey.
Bass of Darkness Consumable Quicksand is its habitat. It tastes of wilderness.
Sky Sardine Consumable Schools of this white-blue fish are easily mistaken for clouds.
High-Flying Fish Consumable Floats in the sky like a fluffy cloud. Scholars call it the Cloudus Fishus.
Puerto Bream Consumable The most popular fish in Port Puerto. Its flesh is white and odourless.
Ornamental Carp Consumable A strikingly-coloured carp usually kept in garden ponds.
Swordfish Consumable Called the King of the Seas. Has a long bill that looks like a sword.
Coldwater Tuna Consumable It's frozen all over, but not dead. The ice would keep it fresh anyway.
Pirate Carp Consumable Has a pirate mark on one side. Pirates consider it a lucky charm.
Evil Carp Consumable This fish emanates a dark, occult aura. Prized in Al Maajik.
Giant Castele Crucian Consumable A small river fish. Eating it wouldn't hurt. This one's bigger than usual.
Giant Castele Carp Consumable A big river fish. It's rather smelly. This one's bigger than usual.
Giant Tuna Consumable Large migratory sea fish. This one's especially big.
Giant Pufferfish Consumable Delicious when prepared by skilful Cooks. This one's pretty big.
Giant Puerto Bream Consumable The most popular fish in Port Puerto. This one is unusally big.
Magic Eggs Consumable There's something magical about these eggs.
Bigbeak Egg Consumable An egg from a Bigbeak. It's quite big, as expected.
Thunder Egg Consumable A Thunderbird's egg
Cabbage Consumable A fine cabbage head with dense leaves.
Sweet Potato Consumable Despite its name, it's not even related to potatoes.
Jungle Banana Consumable Sweet-smelling, ripe bananas.
Port Town Orange Consumable A sun-kissed orange that smells of summer.
Heavenly Peach Consumable Sweet-smelling, soft peach.
Black Pepper Consumable A cooking ingredient valued for its fragrance and spiciness.
Pam's Candy Consumable Candy from Pam
Super Mini Bomb Consumable A bomb that inflicts a bit of damage on enemies. Improved recipe for extra power.
Poison Bomb Consumable A bomb that poisons enemies.
Super Poison Bomb Consumable A bomb that poisons enemies. Improved recipe for extra power.
Super Sleep Bomb Consumable A bomb that puts enemies to sleep. Improved recipe for extra power.
Campfire Roast Consumable Wild meat roasted over a campfire. Restores HP, raises Strength and Luck.
Super Campfire Roast Consumable A skilfully cooked Campfire Roast. Restores HP, raises Strength and Luck.
Grilled Eel Consumable Grilled eel with a sweet and spicy glaze. Restores HP, raises Focus.
Campfire Fish Consumable Fish grilled al fresco. Restores HP, raises Focus.
Super Campfire Fish Consumable Skilfully grilled fish. Restores HP, raises Focus.
Super Apple Juice Consumable Luxury apple juice. Restores SP, raises Strength and Vitality.
Power Aid Consumable Temporarily increases attack power.
Smelt Consumable This fish feels best in ice-covered lakes. So small you can eat it whole.
Icy Squid Consumable This squid is so cool that the ink it spits out is frozen.
Frosty Fish Consumable Ice-covered fish well adapted to extremely cold conditions.
Mega Aid Consumable Restores a large amount of HP.
Resistance Aid Consumable Temporarily increases defence.
Stun Bomb Consumable A bomb that stuns enemies.
Flying Fish Consumable Long pectoral fins let it leap out of water. Has firm, yummy flesh.
Parasol Fish Consumable Other fish use it as sun protection. Not suitable for use as food.
Bell Pepper Consumable A glossy green bell pepper.
Aubergine Consumable A fleshy aubergine.
Tomato Consumable A succulent tomato.
Broccoli Consumable A fresh broccoli head. Looks like a mini tree.
Southern Papaya Consumable Delicious tropical fruit.
Beach Watermelon Consumable Refreshing, succulent watermelon.
Grassland Grapes Consumable Fresh, delightfully juicy grapes.
Cave Strawberries Consumable Ripe and full of flavour. Perfect for desserts.
Magic Aid Consumable Temporarily increases magic power.
Magic Spray Consumable Temporarily improves magic power. Restores some SP.
Pumpkin Soup Consumable A sweet and savoury pumpkin soup. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Focus.
Sultan's Stew Consumable This stew is the Dark Sultan's favourite dish. Restores HP, ups Dexterity and Intelligence.
Monstrous Saute Consumable A gently simmered Monster Meat dish. Restores HP, ups Strength and Intelligence.
Desert Fish Stew Consumable A stew made with fish caught in the desert. Restores HP, raises Focus and Luck.
Magical Pie Consumable An enchanted pie. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck.
Magical Omelette Consumable A magical omelette made with magic eggs. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Dexterity.
Pumpkin Quiche Consumable Quiche made with eggs and sweet pumpkin. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Focus.
Magical Pudding Consumable A sweet dessert made from magical eggs. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Intelligence.
Red Peppercorns Consumable Very spicy, use sparingly.
Sandfish Consumable Fish living in desert sands. Not sure what it eats, but it can certainly be eaten.
Electric Eel Consumable This eel stores electricity in its cheeks. Packs 100,000 volts.
Desert Tuna Consumable Dry, sand-like to touch and yet perfectly edible.
Cactus Fish Consumable Prickly green fish resembling a cactus. Does it taste like one too?
Sweetcorn Consumable Sweet and juicy sweetcorn.
Pumpkin Consumable A firm and heavy green pumpkin.
Desert Pear Consumable It may look like a brown apple, but it is a juicy desert pear.
Maajik Melon Consumable Popular in Al Maajik, crisp and sweet.
Magical Milkshake Consumable A strange milkshake that gives you magical powers... Restores SP, raises Intelligence.
Wasabi Consumable It feels more spicy in the nose than on the tongue.
Elixir Consumable Fully restores HP and SP.
Ultima Alcheweed Consumable Alchemy material. Has a violently unpleasant smell.
Great Bomb Consumable A bomb that inflicts serious damage on enemies.
Wild Kiwi Consumable Its fiercely green flesh is amazingly sweet.
Wild Beast Meat Consumable Soft and great-tasting, finest meat.
Power Spray Consumable Temporarily increases attack power. Restores some HP.
Resistance Spray Consumable Temporarily increases defence. Restores some HP.
Monster Meat Consumable Filling beast meat.
Daredevil Aid Consumable Temporarily prevents knockback.
Island Honey Consumable Thick and full-bodied island honey. A real gourmet treat.
Crit Aid Consumable Temporarily increases critical hit rate.
Blizzard Egg Consumable Blizzard Bird's egg. It feels chilly to touch.
Dragon Meat Consumable Fresh dragon meat.
Golden Swordfish Consumable An enormous swordfish. Far more valuable than the regular swordfish.
Sea Bream of Love Consumable A variety of Puerto Bream. Always on the lookout for potential mates.
Gigaga Water Consumable Water rich in ancient minerals. Said to promote longevity.
Gigaga Catfish Consumable A larger variety of catfish. Its whiskers are very sensitive.
Gigaga Truffle Consumable Fantastic flavour and scent. The finest truffle in the world.
Hot Spring Egg Consumable A softly poached egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Strength.
Hot Spring Bream Consumable Fish commonly found in hot springs. Faintly smells of sulphur.
Hot Spring Water Consumable A miraculous cure, apparently. Bathe in it or drink it.
Boiled Bamboo Shoot Consumable Grown in mineral-rich hot spring water. It helps with many ailments.
Fossilfish Consumable A living fossil, literally. Its scales are as hard as rock.
Hermit Carrot Consumable Used in alchemy. Bursting with rich flavour.
Angelic Remedy Consumable Restores HP and raises Vitality. Comes in handy when you're in a pinch.
Miracle Consumable Temporarily boosts all basic stats.
Maxheal Dust Consumable Restores plenty of HP of the whole party.
Hi-Energy Powder Consumable Restores plenty of SP of the whole party.
Luck Potion Consumable Temporarily boosts Luck but lowers all other basic stats.
Berserk Potion Consumable Boosts your Attack at the expense of Defence.
Divine Bomb Consumable A jaw-droppingly powerful bomb.
Demonic Bomb Consumable A powerful bomb that poisons and stuns, too.
Super Spraylixir Consumable Fully restores HP and SP of the whole party. This improved recipe can fetch more Dosh!
Golden Egg Consumable A giant egg of a Heaven Bird. It looks shiny.
Super Elixir Consumable Fully restores HP and SP. This improved recipe can fetch more Dosh!
Godly Spray Consumable Boosts the basic stats of everyone in your party.
Golden Apple Consumable An apple that glitters like pure gold. Its taste is simply divine.
Galaxy Apple Consumable Quite possibly the tastiest apple in the galaxy.
Love Orb Consumable An orb of Bliss. Something special will happen if you use it. Also used in crafting.
Wisdom Orb Consumable An orb of Dosh. Something special will happen if you use it. Also used in crafting.
Bravery Orb Consumable An orb of Stars. Something special will happen if you use it. Also used in crafting.
Heavenly Asparagus Consumable Nutritious and delicious. Crunchy, without any tough strings.
Cherry Nectar Consumable Sweet, transparent nectar that's a bit hard to come by.
Ancient Nectar Consumable Thick and slightly bitter nectar of ancient flowers.
Remote Island Honey Consumable Honey from eternally blooming flowers. It takes millennia to develop its rich flavour.
Fossil Mushroom Consumable Featured in ancient murals. Seems to be thousands of years old.
Penguin Eggs Consumable Warm to touch, small, spotted eggs from penguins.
Giant Hot Spring Bream Consumable Fish commonly found in hot springs. This one's bigger than usual.
Godfish Consumable Divine protector of lakes and ponds on Origin Island. Tastes godly, too.
Kissylips Angelfish Consumable Look at these dreamy lips! The most kissable fish in the sea.
Demonic Tuna Consumable A mischievous giant tuna not picky about what it eats.
Giant Kissylips Angelfish Consumable The most kissable fish in the sea. This is quite a big one.
Giant Fossilfish Consumable A living fossil, literally. Has rock-like scales. Bigger than usual.
Rainbow Sunfish Consumable Not the prettiest fish, but at least it's colourful. And tasty.
Giant Rainbow Sunfish Consumable Not the prettiest fish, but colourful and tasty. Bigger than usual.
Goddess's Carp Consumable A carp of legend that is thousands of years old. Divinely graceful.
Giant Goddess's Carp Consumable A carp of legend that is thousands of years old. Divinely graceful. Unusually large.
T-Rex Leg Consumable Juicy T-Rex grilled on the bone. Restores HP, raises Strength and Luck.
Corn on the Cob Consumable Roasted golden sweetcorn. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Strength.
Monster Roast Consumable Roasted Monster Meat. Restores HP, and raises Strength and Intelligence.
Spraylixir Consumable Fully restores HP and SP of the whole party.
Intelligence Candy Consumable Hard candy that raises Intelligence. You can only eat so many.
Focus Candy Consumable Hard candy that raises Focus. You can only eat so many.
Luck Candy Consumable Hard candy that raises Luck. You can only eat so many.
Love Bomb Consumable An amazing bomb that restores some HP for everyone.
Vegetable Stew Consumable A healthy stew made with just vegetables. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Vitality.
Cabbage Rolls Consumable Cabbage leaves wrapped around a tasty filling. Restores HP, raises Dexterity.
Pumpkin Pie Consumable Sweet Pumpkin Pie. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck.
Magical Honey Dessert Consumable A dessert with sweet potatoes and honey. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck.
Legendary Corn Consumable Roasted sweetcorn dish. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Strength.
Goddess's Frappe Consumable A sweet, ice-cold drink. Restores SP, raises Intelligence and Luck.
Hermit's Drink Consumable A strange drink that can make fairies appear. Restores SP, ups Intelligence and Strength.
Rainbow Gelato Consumable Ice cream made with quality milk. Restores SP, raises Intelligence and Focus.
Lunares Pie Consumable Yuella's favourite pie. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck.
Mushroom Medley Consumable An arrangement of rare mushrooms. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck.
Glorious Dinner Consumable A dish served at the table of the gods. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Focus.
Strength Candy Consumable Hard candy that raises Strength. You can only eat so many.
Vitality Candy Consumable Hard candy that raises Vitality. You can only eat so many.
Dexterity Candy Consumable Hard candy that raises Dexterity. You can only eat so many.
Egg Roll Consumable A rolled, fried egg pancake. Restores HP, raises Vitality.
Forest Quiche Consumable A quiche made with select ingredients. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Focus.
Royal Omelette Consumable A luxury omelette fit for a king. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Dexterity.
Fried Blizzard Egg Consumable A fried Blizzard Bird's egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Luck.
Electro Egg Rice Consumable A rice dish topped with a Thunderbird's egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Strength.
Occult Roll Consumable An egg roll made with strange things. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Luck.
Golden Omelette Consumable A glittery gold, fluffy omelette. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Dexterity.
Shish Kebab Consumable Bird Meat roasted on a skewer. Restores HP, raises Strength and Dexterity.
Saurus Leg Consumable A roast Saurus Leg. Restores HP, raises Strength and Luck.
Royal Hamburger Consumable A burger fit for the royal table. Restores HP, raises Strength.
Juicy Monster Meat Consumable A beast of a meat dish. Restores HP, and raises Strength and Intelligence.
Sauteed Dragon Consumable A sauteed dragon dish. Restores HP, greatly raises Strength.
Dragon Steak Consumable Dragon meat roasted over a huge flame. Restores HP, greatly raises Strength.
Roast of Legend Consumable A legendary dish prepared legendarily! Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality.
Fluffy Roast Consumable The finest tender-cooked meat. Restores HP, raises Strength and Luck.
Valorous Kebab Consumable Finest-quality meats on a skewer. Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality.
Heavenly Burger Consumable A godlike burger. Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus.
Giant Beast Meat Consumable A big chunk of nutritious meat.
Heavenly Feast Consumable Made with the finest ingredients, a sure hit! Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus.
Mythical Meat Consumable Its strange consistency can be quite addictive.
Grilled Sweetfish Consumable Grilled Sweetfish. Good with a little salt. Restores HP, raises Focus.
Hot Prawn Bisque Consumable A spicy soup made with Lava Prawn paste. Restores HP, ups Dexterity and Intelligence.
Rustic Rainbow Trout Consumable Rainbow trout dusted with flour and fried. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality.
Dried Sandfish Consumable Sandfish dried under the sun. Restores HP, and raises Intelligence and Dexterity.
Red Soup Consumable Soup made with redgills and seasonal veg. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity.
Rustic Swordfish Consumable A whole grilled swordfish head. Restores HP, raises Focus.
Fish Soup of Love Consumable Sea Bream of Love soup. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity.
Tuna Sushi Consumable Freshly prepared tuna sushi. Restores HP, and raises Intelligence and Dexterity.
Smelt Soup Consumable Soup made with smelt and seasonal veg. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity.
Frosty Fish Stew Consumable A cooling fish stew. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality.
Fiery Fish Stew Consumable A piping hot stew like molten magma. Restores HP, raises Focus and Strength.
Sky Sashimi Set Consumable An artful arrangement of sky sashimi. Restores HP, ups Intelligence and Strength.
Floaty Pufferfish Consumable A fish that puffs up with air and floats in the sky. Has edible flesh, but poisonous organs.
Golden Fish Head Consumable A whole grilled Golden Swordfish Head. Restores HP, raises Focus.
Fancy Sashimi Set Consumable Sashimi set based around Golden Swordfish. Restores HP, raises Intelligence and Luck.
Rainbow Paella Consumable Paella made with rare seafood. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality.
Fossil Sashimi Set Consumable An arrangement of fresh fossil fish. Restores HP, raises Focus and Strength.
Dark Giant Stew Consumable A stew made with strange fish. Restores HP, raises Focus and Luck.
Godly Soup Consumable Godlike soup. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity.
Ghastly Stew Consumable A stew with horrifying ingredients. Makes your tongue go numb.
Ghost Meat Consumable Ghostly meat. ...Did it just move?
Sea Lord Set Consumable An array of the freshest sashimi, including Demon Shark Fin. Fit for Poseidon himself.
Poseidon Swordfish Consumable The ruler of the seas, powerful, fierce and fearless.
Demon Shark Fin Consumable A demon shark fin. Shark-tastic.
Giant Frosty Fish Consumable Larger ice-covered fish well adapted to extremely cold conditions.
Super Mega Aid Consumable Restores a large amount of HP. Improved recipe restores that bit extra.
Giant Sweet Fish Pastry Consumable Sweet fish-shaped pastry filled with red bean paste. Unusually big.
Giant Applefish Consumable Fish resembling an apple. Unusually large.
Giant Plains Sweetfish Consumable Delicious and easy to catch river fish. This one's bigger than usual.
Giant Plains Eel Consumable Unusually big, snake-like, slippery fish. Grilling brings out its flavour.
Giant Squid Consumable Ten-legged, ink-spitting cephalopod. Sleek and chewy. Bigger than usual.
Giant Sardine Consumable Said to be the weakest sea fish. Bigger than they usually get.
Volcanic Tuna Consumable Magma-dwelling tuna. Thrives in areas with high volcanic activity.