
Material Wonders (Port Puerto)

Location: Port Puerto Marina

Requirement to unlock starred items: Port Puerto Shopping+ Bliss Bonus

Item Category Price Unlock?
Alcheweed Consumable 20
Arch Alcheweed Consumable 200
Vitalweed Consumable 30
Cureweed Consumable 20
Lifeweed Consumable 40
Saltless Seawater Consumable 100
Grassland Honey Consumable 10
Plateau Honey Consumable 30
Pine Nuts Material 20
Palm Nuts Material 40
Antidote Berries Material 10
Antistun Berries Material 20
Wakeup Berries Material 40
Rejuvenating Berries Material 100
Combustible Powder Material 270
Little Shell Material 60
Durable Shell Material 300
Turtle Shell Material 100
Thick Shell Material 240
Pretty Coral Material 40
Stunning Coral Material 180
Suspicious Object Material 200
Scrap of Cloth Material 10
Port Puerto Bloom Material 40
Inventor's Flask Tool 3400
Bubbling Flask Tool 5200
Healweed Consumable 10