Name Category Sub Category Description
Science Flask Tool Flask Small flask used for science. Perfect for budding Alchemists.
Inventor's Flask Tool Flask Flask with a slightly foul smell. Smelly but effective!
Bubbling Flask Tool Flask Flask that's always bubbling. Who knows what mixtures it can make?
Experimental Flask Tool Flask A flask for practising. Not suitable for dangerous mixtures.
Wisdom Flask Tool Flask Flask that emits mysterious white smoke. You have to see it to believe it!
Forbidden Flask Tool Flask The most forbidden of flasks. Only Castele-certified Alchemists can use it.
Bolt Flask Tool Flask Flask infused with the power of lightning. Strikes the user with a bolt of inspiration.
Sol Flask Tool Flask Flask infused with the power of fire. Some say it's too hot to handle.
Icicle Flask Tool Flask Flask infused with the power of water. Some say it's the coolest flask in town.
Flask of Dawn Tool Flask Flask containing the ancient wisdom. Allows for the creation of forgotten mixtures.
Yggdrasil Flask Tool Flask Ultimate flask, imbued with the power of life. Its tree shape evokes images of creation.
Big Bang Flask Tool Flask Flask filled with cosmic energy. One wrong move and the universe is DOOMED!
Miracle Flask Tool Flask The ultimate in alchemy flasks. Allows the user to make anything!