Name Category Sub Category Description
Bronze Pickaxe Tool Pickaxe Pickaxe made of bronze. Good for the more brittle rocks.
Iron Pickaxe Tool Pickaxe Basic pickaxe made of iron. It digs. What more could you want?
Silver Pickaxe Tool Pickaxe Light pickaxe made of silver. Sometimes used for sculpting statues!
Beginner's Pickaxe Tool Pickaxe A basic pickaxe for practising. Leaves every stone unturned.
Gold Pickaxe Tool Pickaxe Dazzling pickaxe made of gold. Has an aristocratic air about it.
Deep Sea Pickaxe Tool Pickaxe Pickaxe infused with the power of the sea.
Ancient Pickaxe Tool Pickaxe Pickaxe brimming with ancient power. Gives literal meaning to "having a break".
Lava Pickaxe Tool Pickaxe Pickaxe infused with fire power. Practically melts the ore when hit!
Mole Pickaxe Tool Pickaxe Pickaxe infused with mighty mole might. Dig through rocks like a mole machine!
Gigaga Pickaxe Tool Pickaxe Pickaxe made for an ancient hero. Contains the power of the Fluffkin.
Spirit Pickaxe Tool Pickaxe Pickaxe favoured by the gods. Said to infuse life into anything it touches.
Demonic Pickaxe Tool Pickaxe Pickaxe of darkness and destruction. Can take over the user's soul.
Solar Pickaxe Tool Pickaxe Pickaxe blessed with the power of the sun. The pride and joy of all Miners!