Name Category Sub Category Description
Guppy Rod Tool Rod Fishing rod made for practising. For those still fishing in the kiddy pool.
Oak Rod Tool Rod Crude fishing rod made of oak. An entry-level rod, at best.
Pine Rod Tool Rod Tough fishing rod made of pine. Fort hose who want to fish but lack technique.
Palm Rod Tool Rod Decent fishing rod made of palm. Requires technique to get the most out of it.
Famous Angler's Rod Tool Rod A fishing rod made for a famous Angler. Any Angler worth their worms would want one
Whirlpool Rod Tool Rod Fishing rod able to withstand a whirlpool. Good stability in raging waters.
Sugar Rod Tool Rod Balanced fishing rod made of sugar wood. Perfect for fishing whenever you go!
Sandstorm Rod Tool Rod A fishing rod holding the power of the desert. Perfect for sand fishing.
Sea Cloud Rod Tool Rod A special Levitanian fishing rod. The perfect rod for sky fishing!
Gigaga Fishing Rod Tool Rod Legendary fishing rod crafted long ago. Contains the power of the Fluffkin.
Victory Fishing Rod Tool Rod Fishing rod that brings glory to its user. Widely considered THE must-have rod!
Star Fishing Rod Tool Rod A quality fishing rod endorsed by the gods. Perfect for catching a falling
Marine Rod Tool Rod Fishing rod said to have been used by the gods. No fish can escape its allure!